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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.

Look & Find: Fun Activities! – Educational Mobile Game | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch Mobile games aren’t always just about having fun, sometimes they can be educational too. Booty Bay Games has published 3 successful games and now they’re ready to tackle kids’ games with...

Arcane Online – Mobile MMORPG | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch So, MMORPGs or Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games are extremely popular on PCs and mobile devices. If you’re looking for a new full-blown MMORPG, then check out Arcane Online. This heroic fantasy...

The Wonder Weeks – Baby Development Tracker | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch If you’re new to the whole parenting thing you can use all the help you can get.  Here’s something we ran across that we think might help you out with your...

KleptoCats – Fun Kitty Mobile Game | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch If you love cats and addictive mobile games, then you’ll definitely love KleptoCats. KleptoCats is exactly what it sounds like - cats that obsessively steal things. Developed by HyperBeard Games, a studio...
ever shared photo

Ever – A New Way To Share and Store Photos

By: Nick Gambino With the number of photos we take on a daily basis it's a wonder they haven't created smartphones with 1TB storage. Between selfies, food served to us at a...
New Mac Pro

Apple Reveals New MacBook with Major Changes

By: Nick Gambino In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Apple’s first notebook launch, the new MacBook Pro was just revealed. Tim Cook and his crew announced the MacBook Pro at a keynote...
Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Launches New System – Switch

Nintendo is the video game company that never dies. Some of our oldest, fondest memories are with one or more of their systems. Depending on your age you may have played...

Mathway – Mobile Math Help | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch If you need a little help learning math, then you should check out Mathway. Mathway is a free app and website that solves any math problem. Here’s how it works. All you...

FineScanner – Mobile Document Scanner | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch We have a particular obsession with life hacks here at NewsWatch. And here’s our awesome new find. It’s called FineScanner. It helps you digitize anything you want: receipts, invoices, contracts, articles, recipes,...

Word Dance – Creative Graphics | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch So we’re always itching for new ways to communicate our unique ideas or views of the world - whether we’re posting a photo on Facebook or Instagram or just posting a...
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