Pura Naturals – Organic Pet Products | NewsWatch Review
Consumer Update
Pets are truly a part of our family. And anyone who has ever owned one can testify to that. So giving them the best care possible is our priority. So...
Snapchat Releases Trippy New World Lenses Update
By: Nick Gambino
Snapchat is nothing if not fun and irreverent. With their introduction of lens filters, users are going nuts with squeaky-voiced videos and bug eyes that look like something out...
Samsung Permanently Ends Production on Galaxy Note 7
By: Nick Gambino
After a number of reports of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 bursting into flames, followed by a massive recall, followed by replacement phones also bursting into flames, followed by...
RedBarn – Natural Pate Dog and Cat Food | NewsWatch Review
Consumer Update
If you have a dog or a cat, there’s a good chance you consider them a member of your family. And if Max is family, then you want to make...
Twitter Eases Up On Its 140 Character Limit
By: Nick Gambino
Twitter has long been known as the social media platform with a 140 character limit. While annoying, it’s forced users to be more creative about their word choices making...
Pandora Strikes Deal to Create On-Demand Service
By: Andrew Tropeano
Pandora may be one of the originals to find success in the music streaming arena but services like Spotify and Apple Music with their on-demand streaming service pretty much...
Which College Campuses Are the Most Environmentally Aware – The Top 6
Consumer Report
By: Megan Nichols
With the election season dominating the media recently, you don't hear a lot about sustainability efforts on the news these days. That doesn't mean they aren't happening. From...
Rent a Smart Apartment | NewsWatch Review
By: Dory Jackson
The technology craze is definitely not a phase. Now, even more than before, technology is integrating its way through our daily lives. Most of us have succumbed to purchasing...
With a Major Price Drop ‘Tis the Season to Invest in a New GoPro...
By: Nick Gambino
With GoPro slashing the new Hero4 Session to $199 from a slight but significantly more expensive $299, now’s the time to add it to your Christmas list.
Since it was...
Uber Introduces New “Going My Way” Feature
By: Nick Gambino
Uber has just announced a new service/feature which allows drivers to pick up riders on their way to a personal destination. Meaning if Uber drivers are on their way...