Alexa Now Offers Long-Form News Briefings
By: Nick Gambino
like most voice assistants, has been in the news business for a while now. If
you were to ask one of these trusty assistants for the news, they would...
Mask Moments – New Skincare Routine Keeps Your Face Looking Young
Consumer Update
Proper skincare is a vital daily routine for anyone looking to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. From anti-aging creams to facial cleansers, there are endless products on the market to...
Get the Gift You Want and Need With the Geenees App
December 25th is headed towards us like a runaway reindeer. I know most of you are subscribers of Amazon Prime, but please for the sake of your sanity don’t wait until December...
Bose AR Sunglasses Available for Pre-order
By: Bryan Tropeano
Back in March, I told you about the innovative AR sunglasses Bose introduced at SXSW. Well, now those sunglasses are available for pre-order and will begin shipping in January.
Apple Unveils Gold-Accented Beats Studio3 Wireless Headphones
By: Nick Gambino
When deciding on what kind of headphones to rock, you have to take a few things into consideration. Of course, you want superior sound and uber-comfort, but those factors...
Keep Your Plants Alive with Plant Hero
By: Nick Gambino
Keeping plants alive inside my home has proven a futile task and at 32 years old I don’t see myself magically developing a green thumb. It’s not that I...
Mercedes to Start Subscription Service for Luxury Cars
By: Nick Gambino
Subscription-based services exist in nearly every industry – content streaming, food delivery, laundry services, etc. In recent months, luxury automakers have embraced the subscriber model in an effort to...
Pay Only $12.99 for Spotify and Hulu Bundle
By: Nick Gambino
For those of you who love to stream music through Spotify and TV and movies through Hulu, things just got a lot sweeter. Spotify and Hulu have announced a...
Most Exciting CES 2018 Robots
By: Nick Gambino
Whether robots in the future are going to make our lives easier as an electronic servant wired to do our bidding or if the little machines with personality will...
3 Benefits of Using an Ecommerce Site to Sell a Single Product
The internet is the perfect place for niche, handmade goods to find a willing buyer. In fact, thanks to websites like Pinterest, homemade goods are increasingly popular these days. Ecommerce stores...