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NewsWatch’s Favorite Things 2015

In honor of Oprah's Favorite Things list coming out this week we decided to write up our own slightly geekier version. Basically our favorite tech things that are available for the...

Amazon to Offer 7 Weeks of “Black Friday” Sales

By: Nick Gambino Amazon has announced its plan to offer 7 weeks of “Black Friday” sales instead of the traditional one day. The 7-week sale period is already under way and will...

YouTube to add a Fee Based Service – YouTube Red

By: Bryan Tropeano Starting from its very early days as a platform where you could record and place your homemade videos, YouTube offered an alternative. It served the mass market and unlike...

3 Electronics that Will Soon Be Extinct

Tech Report Technology is growing at such a rapid pace that the growth rate of tech companies is higher than any other industry. Advancements in technology mean that consumers will get a...