PDFs are a useful tool, especially in business. But there’s something almost soulless about the presentation. It’s sterile, slow loading, digital documents fail to hold attention and engage readers. If that’s the problem, FlippingBook is the solution. FlippingBook replaces traditional PDFs with interactive digital flipbooks. In just a few clicks, you can convert your PDF into a flip book available as a direct link on the web.

So you don’t have to worry about downloading some large clunky document anymore. You get a visually appealing and interactive version of your PDF that’s been taken to a whole new level. The idea of the flip book format is to improve engagement, which is why FlippingBook lets you add your company branding, interactive videos, gifts, links, a lead form, and more. Your flip book resembles a print copy packed with digital perks, which keeps your audience engaged.

And taking things even further, you’ll be able to track how your audience interacts with your awesome flip book, thanks to the built-in analytics tool. To get started today, head on over to flippingbook.com.