PsyberGuide – Find the Best Apps for Your Mental Health | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch Everyone has mental health and promoting it requires work, just like physical health. Luckily, there are a number of apps out there that focus on helping you live a happier and healthier...

Dictate – Dictate Text Messages to Your Phone with Advanced Speech to Text Voice...

AppWatch There are times when speech to text is the only way to safely text message. Whether you’re driving or have your hands full, you need a good speech to text function that...

Sprouter – Manage All Your Social Media Platforms Simultaneously from One App | NewsWatch...

AppWatch Between Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube…there are quite a few platforms we have to keep up with. So how do we keep up with so many different apps all centered around...

StretchIt App – Improve Your Flexibility Through Video Classes | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch If you know anything about your body, then you know that stretching to improve flexibility and to get yourself nice and limber is important for just about everything you do. But when...

TaxDay – Monitor Your Travel Using Your Phone’s GPS | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch Do you travel frequently for business or maintain homes in different states and struggle to keep track of where you’ve been or how much time you’ve spent there? TaxDay allows you to...

Poll Pay – Earn Supplemental Income by Taking Polls and Surveys | NewsWatch Review

Are you looking to make some extra money without the hassle of commuting? Well, you have the fortune of carrying a phone in your pocket that can help make that happen. Check...

Calcularium – More Than Just Your Average Calculator | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch Have you ever typed an equation on a calculator only to mistype one number, throwing off the entire problem? Or have you ever wished you could save an equation so you...

FrameDrop – Combine Your Favorite Features of Social Media in One App | NewsWatch...

AppWatch It’s hard to escape social media these days. Obviously, it’s the best way to stay connected with friends and family, but with each platform offering something different, it’s nearly impossible to stick...

The Tracker App – Keep an Eye on Your Favorite Browsed Items | NewsWatch...

AppWatch Forget holiday season - shopping season is upon us, and I know you need all the help you can get to make sure you get those hard-to-find gifts. Check out the Tracker...

Buckitron – The Marketplace for Your and Others’ Bucket List Dreams | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch When life gets in the way, your dreams tend to end up on the backburner. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Maybe you just need help from an app...