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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.

Disney Created AI Tool to Age and De-Age Actors

 By: Nick Gambino Making actors look younger or older with the help of CGI has been a staple of plenty of movies over the last 10-15 years, especially blockbuster flicks. These little...

WhatsApp Now Lets You Message Yourself

photo: Dimitri Karastelev  By: Nick Gambino Sending messages or emails to yourself has long been a life hack that helps people stay more organized. You can drop reminders, ideas or even shopping lists...

ThermoGrid – The Perfect Business Management Hub For You

Any business built around sending service techs into the field can face logistical nightmares. Whether you're sending out plumbers, electricians, HVAC techs or any other highly specialized technician, you need more...

Integral Hockey – Keep Your Stick In The Game for Longer

Anyone playing hockey either recreationally or professionally knows that breaking sticks is just part of the game. In fact, professional hockey teams can break as many as 500 pro sticks per...

Velo Poker – It’s Like Vegas, in Your Pocket!

While heading to Vegas or some other casino town to play poker is a lot of fun, it's not always the most convenient option when you just wanna play a hand...

YouTube Adds Pinch to Zoom and Other Features

By: Nick Gambino YouTube has just added a plethora of new features, including the long-awaited pinch to zoom on iOS and Android phones. This capability was being tested with Premium users for...

iPadOS 16 Gets Release Date

By: Nick Gambino  iPadOS 16 is finally almost here after failing to release with the newest iOS which is common practice. They apparently needed more time to get the update just right....

Twitter is Finally Getting an Edit Button

Photo: Marten Bjork By: Nick Gambino Out of all the popular social media apps that exist, Twitter is the only one that has never added an edit button. It’s like they’ve just flat-out...

Momento – Connect. With Your Fans Like Never Before

While NFTs have been around for a few years as a means of creating something truly unique in the oversaturated landscape of the internet, they’ve experienced an explosion in just the...

Tinplay – The Perfect Cocktail Has Never Been So Easy

Making the perfect cocktail is equal parts art and science, but one thing’s for sure, you need the right tools. Bartenders, both of the professional and home variety, have been using...
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