EarMaster – Play Music By Ear | NewsWatch Review
App Review
If you play an instrument or sing, this app is for you. EarMaster is a software and app that walks you through the basics of music theory and teaches you...
Klara Tech – HIPAA Compliant Texting | NewsWatch Review
App Watch
When you want to tell something quickly to your friends – do you call them of fax them? No, because those are the tools of the past. You text them. ...
New Toaster Will Put Emoji’s on Your Toast
App Watch
By: Nick Gambino
In a recent study it was found that 90% of breakfast eaters are bored with their morning toast. In a unrelated study it was found that 100% of...
Google Comes Out with its Own “FaceTime” app, Duo
App Watch
By: Nick Gambino
Move over FaceTime and Skype because Google wants a seat at the table (well, actually another seat at the table) with their new video chat app, Duo.
Launched on...
Top 15 Snapchat Hacks
App Watch
By Hazel Saunders
Snapchat, an image messaging and multimedia mobile app with over millions of users. The app evolved into being a new innovation for communication. Since March 2016, there have...
PaGamO – Educational, Interactive Game App |NewsWatch Review
App Watch
Now, engaging kids in the classroom can be a particularly difficult task. But what if we combined learning with something kids enjoy, like gaming? PaGamO is a unique learning app...
CashEnglish – The New Way to Learn a Language | NewsWatch Review
App Watch
Online education is a growing trend that more and more people are flocking to for its convenience and limitless potential. BeNative has been working in the field of online education...
BeatScanner – Check Your Heart Rate | NewsWatch Review
App Watch
Measuring your heart rate on a consistent basis is an invaluable step towards detecting a possible irregular heart condition. But it’s not very feasible to go to the doctor every...
Jongla – Free Fun Messaging | NewsWatch Review
App Watch
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of receiving a “not enough storage” notification because an app takes up too much space on my phone. Well, don’t worry because...
KROOZ – Safe Ride-Sharing App | NewsWatch Review
App Watch
Ride-sharing apps are super popular these days, but it seems like some of the more popular ride-sharing services are always in the news for incidents with unsafe drivers or disorderly...
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