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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.

Top 6 Pokémon Go Tips

App Watch By: Rabeca Smith So, over the weekend we saw something huge blow up the gamer-sphere. So huge that we decided to see what it was all about. If you love Pokémon...

Pokémon Go Craze Causes Nintendo Market Value to Skyrocket

App Watch By: Nick Gambino Unless you’ve been living under a rock in a cave in the middle of the ocean playing Yu-Gi-Oh! then there’s a good chance you’ve heard of or seen...

Voux – Create and Share Memorable Experiences | NewsWatch Review

App Review A motto we like to live by is you should live life with the intention of continually creating memorable experiences. Hopefully you live by that too. Well here is an...

Muzeit – Music Sharing App| NewsWatch Review

App Review These days we use our smartphones for so much more than just making calls – we can stay up to date with our friends on social media and listen to...

Annoying Brain – A Fun Puzzle Game | NewsWatch Review

App Review Are you ready for an addictive mobile game that will challenge and excite you at the same time? We know that finding a game that is both educational and fun...

Chain – A New Kind of Social Media | NewsWatch Review

App Review Are you bored of using SnapChat and Facebook for your social media interactions? Are you starting to see a limit to your creativity? We are too. It might be time to spice...

Tuurnt – Fun Video Interactions with Friends | NewsWatch Review

App Review There are a million social media apps out there. But let’s be honest for a second, the word “social” is used a little too generously these days. All too often...

Reveel – Find Clothes & Accessories from Movies & TV | NewsWatch Review

App Review Have you ever watched a show or a movie, and someone walks on screen with an awesome jacket or to-die-for purse? Instantly you are like, “I must have that.” It's okay to...

The Virtual Stylist Lash and Brow – Eyelash Extension App | NewsWatch Review

App Review Eyebrow makeovers and Eyelash Extensions are 2 of this year’s most talked about beauty salon services. But who are you going to trust with the “windows to your soul?” Check...

Perfect Parking – Always Know Where You Parked | NewsWatch Review

App Review Have you ever parked in a large open parking lot and came back later to find that you have no idea where you parked? It's okay, we have all done it...
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