bio engineering

BioBuilder Brings Tomorrow’s Bioengineering into Today’s Classrooms

Tech Report Biotechnology has never been more important or more promising. Scientists tell us they can now read and write the DNA code. This approach, called synthetic biology, helps scientists reprogram cells...
sports betting app

Stock Market Investment with Fantasy Sports – Fanvest

AppWatch A stock market investment is one of the best ways to grow your money using insight into an ever-shifting economic landscape. What if a sports enthusiast could use their knowledge of...
find jobs

Find Shift-Based Jobs in Your Local Area with ExtraHourz

AppWatch Full-time work or even part-time work can be hard to come by in an economy that is uncertain. Never have we been more starkly aware of that fact then right now....
meat delivery

Meat Delivery You Can Trust – truLOCAL

Consumer Update I think most of us can agree when we order our hamburger or steak, we’d prefer our beef grass-fed. It’s not that controversial a topic really. We know that we...
kid swing

The New and Improved Swing – Hoopla

Consumer Update When you set out to create an outdoor play area for your kids, you want to make sure you’re getting the highest quality equipment possible. These are your kids after...
car sunshades

Car Sunshades from Kinder Fluff – Protect Your Kids

Consumer Update The intensity of the sun blasting through your window when you’re driving is not only uncomfortable but it’s dangerous too. Now imagine the effect of the blazing sun on your...

Zoom is Finally Getting End-to-End Encryption

By: Nick Gambino Zoom has quickly become the go-to virtual meeting platform for the general workforce and those who have no choice but to work from their homes. The only problem...

Watch Party with Friends – Wiretap

Consumer Update The recent global pandemic forced a lot of us to find new and unique ways to socialize. This has mostly consisted of video calls and drive-by greetings, but there’s another...
home nursing care

Home Healthcare Made Easy with Homercares

AppWatch/Health After being discharged from a hospital or other medical facility, it’s very common to be sent home with instructions for home care. If you’ve ever had a procedure or surgery of...
business management software

Business Management Software Made Simple by Symplete

Biz Report When you think of business management software, you pretty much know what you’re going to get. It’s usually some dry, by-the-numbers software that allows you to execute some key functions...