Limfinity – Software Platform for Life Science | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report Scientists who focus on the study of living things are called Life Scientists. As you can imagine, these scientists work with a massive amount of data that needs to be...

Amazon Music HD offers CD-Quality Streaming

By: Nick Gambino We’ve been streaming music on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music for so long we’ve nearly forgotten what high-quality audio sounds like. Amazon is here to remind us with...

Arizona Now Allows Digital Driver’s Licenses

Photo: James Day By: Nick Gambino Imagine you’re cruising on the I-10 in Phoenix, when the red and blues light you up, forcing you to pull over. The cop comes to the...

Mindplay – Teaching is Easy With Customized Learning

If you're looking for an online learning platform that addresses the precise needs of students then look no further than MindPlay. For over 40 years MindPlay has been creating and delivering...

Disney Created AI Tool to Age and De-Age Actors

 By: Nick Gambino Making actors look younger or older with the help of CGI has been a staple of plenty of movies over the last 10-15 years, especially blockbuster flicks. These little...