TradePros Conveniently and Efficiently Links Homeowners with Contractors

AppWatch With so much time spent in our homes these past few months, we’ve got a long list of home improvement projects we’re itching to get started. Now it’s just a matter...

Set Yourself Free with RockMyRun

AppWatch Finding the right routine is only half the battle in working out. You also need to find the right music that motivates you to power through your entire workout. RockMyRun is the...

Easy and Fun-to-Use Keyboard App, Typewise

AppWatch We type on our phones all day every day, but we still leave an immense number of typos in our wake. It’s frustrating, it’s annoying, and sometimes it’s even embarrassing. This is...
stock market app

Start Streamlining Your Stock Market Experience with Stock Master

AppWatch Investing in stocks has never been easier with the opportunities afforded by digital and mobile technologies. By wielding the power of your smartphone, you can gain actionable insight into the stock market...

Set Achievable Goals and Stay Accountable with Mana

AppWatch It never feels like there’s enough time. It's even worse during the pandemic, everything feels like a blur, and I can't tell when work ends and life begins. The Mana app helps you...

Focus On Your Meditation and Movement with The Healing Movement App

AppWatch Meditation offers numerous benefits, not the least of which is managing stress and reducing negative emotions and mood swings. Sometimes it’s difficult to find the time or the focus to meditate. If you...

Play as a Shark on a Frantic Feeding Frenzy in Hungry Shark Evolution

AppWatch While there are plenty of mobile games out there to help you while away the hours and stave off the boredom, there are few that have the staying power to become...

Find Your Diabetic Community with the DMP App

AppWatch During these difficult times, social isolation has become a serious concern for millions of people. This is particularly true for those suffering from serious health conditions such as diabetes. The Diabetes Management...

Understand a New Language Instantly with Scan & Translate + Text Grabber

AppWatch The app has the capability of translating 90 different languages quickly and accurately, covering a large swath of countries around the globe. It was specifically designed for businesses who need to translate...

Receive Data-Driven Assessments on Crime, Natural Disasters, and More with Augurisk

AppWatch Have you ever wandered into a neighborhood you weren’t familiar with and wondered “Am I safe here”? Normally, we have to rely on our instincts. Thankfully, technology now exists to help you...