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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.

Directorpoint – Helping Organizations Stay More Efficient Through Collaboration and Communication | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report A board of directors relies on efficient organization and the easy flow of communication between all members. With the ability to connect like never before, we’ve found a collaboration software...
Measure Map Pro

Measure Map Pro – Quickly and Precisely Measure Distances, Perimeters and Areas with a...

AppWatch Do you work at a job where measurement accuracy and precision is a matter of getting the job done? What if there was a way to take dimensions that didn't involve...
Sports Made Easy

Sports Made Easy – Connecting Tennis and Golf Players, Coaches, and Clubs | NewsWatch...

AppWatch If you’re looking for a partner to play tennis or golf, where do you look? What about the venue to play at – how do you go about finding a new...

UrboLabs – Taking Control of Which Businesses You Want to Receive Promotions From |...

AppWatch It seems like every time we go to a new store, the cashier asks for our email address. In return, our inboxes are flooded with emails of specials and marketing campaigns...

iOS and Android gaming statistics

New mobile apps are coming up every other day. According to the ‘daily time U.S’, millennials spent 223 minutes in 2017 on mobile media up from 107 spent in 2012. It...
Think U

Think U Gumby’s World – Play Games and Win Real-World Prizes | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch The sound of winning real-world prizes just by simply playing a game on your phone is alluring, right? We thought so. A game development company like no other, Think U partners specifically...
Farm at Hand

Farm at Hand – Cloud-Based Farm Management Software | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch This country was built by the hard work of farmers, and though the basic principles of farming haven’t changed, technology has made huge strides in recent years. Farm at Hand is...

Shepherd Shield – Receive Active Updates on Security Threats for Your Region | NewsWatch...

AppWatch Have you ever traveled to a new location and wondered if you were safe? Or are you just worried about your safety in general? Rest at ease with Shepherd Shield. It's the...
Card2Phone App

Card2Phone App – A Little Bit of Magic in One App | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch It seems to be that no matter how old you are, magic will always be amusing. Whether it's card tricks, coin tricks, disappearing tigers, ladies sawed in half, witnessing these events...
Coleman Get Outdoors App

Coleman Get Outdoors App – Making Your Camping Trip A lot Easier | NewsWatch...

Consumer Update As summer approaches, it’s safe to say we’ll be spending more time outdoors. And if you’re a fan of camping, you need to check out the Coleman – Get Outdoors...
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