Stress Is Gone

Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD with the Stress Is Gone App

AppWatch Managing stress is a vital component in leading a healthy and happy life. But sometimes this can be difficult, especially when the stress is overwhelming. Whether you struggle with stress, anxiety, or...

Find Yourself in a Relaxed State with the SoundHealz Meditation App

AppWatch Sound is as important and powerful as visual stimuli. Used properly, sound can heal. It can improve moods, ease your mind or even alleviate physical discomforts. In fact, using it in connection...

Listen to Any Text in the World with Speechify

AppWatch Whether you have ADHD, Dyslexia, or simply sit in front of the computer all day, it can be exhausting to have to get through hundreds of emails, pdfs, contracts and then...
Journal Tracker

Journal Tracker – Track and Graph Emotional Levels, Thoughts, and Vitals

AppWatch Imagine the ability to decrease physical pain and improve your emotions with an app. For people with Chronic Pain or depression, studies prove that self-betterment starts with Self Awareness. A new App Does...
Fly App

Interact Directly with Friends, Businesses and Communities on The Flyy App

AppWatch Social media is essentially the new reality. Most of us check in on our preferred platforms several times a day to see what’s up with our social circle and the greater...

AI-Powered App for Parents to Monitor Kids’ Activities – TimeOutIQ

AppWatch As soon as smartphones and tablets hit the scene, the an ongoing debate about how much recreational screen time kids should spend. The problem isn’t going away either. Parents are rightly concerned...

Prevent Against Viruses and Infectious Diseases with Germhub

AppWatch As communities begin to open up, we want to make sure we engage with people and venues in the safest way possible. That begins with knowing where we can go and how...

Change Your Perspective and All Around Mentality with Portages

AppWatch Taking care of yourself, especially your mental wellbeing sometimes requires guidance towards the right path. That’s exactly what you’ll get with the Portages app. Portages is a whole-person, science-based mobile app that...

PureFitPal – Combining Exercises and Nutrition into a Simple Subscription

AppWatch Most of us want to get fit and healthy but lack the guidance to get there. If only there were an app to tell us exactly what we need to do. Well,...

EarnIt! App Makes Kids Completing Chores Simpler and More Effective

AppWatch When kids are trusted with responsibility, chores, and other household tasks, this resonates through adulthood, making them more confident and capable members of society. EarnIt! is a simple, fun, and effective chore...