Affinity Designer – Robust Graphic Design App for Your iPad | NewsWatch Review
Graphic designers have never had more tools at their disposal than right now. With tablets and smartphones able to process at speeds significantly faster than computers from a decade ago, designers...
Songkick – Bringing the Magic of Live Music to Fans Everywhere | NewsWatch Review
Music is more accessible than ever with streaming platforms, but no matter how banging your system is or how easy it is to listen to a song, nothing will ever replace...
SS-CMMS – Cloud-Based Maintenance Management Software | NewsWatch Review
Management software is a key factor in running an efficient company and making sure things are streamlined and organized. Facility and equipment maintenance has traditionally been an area where tracking and...
Whereify – Keep Tabs on Your Vehicle No Matter Where You Are | NewsWatch...
It’s thrilling when kids are of driving age. Finally, they can drive themselves around and don’t require mom or dad as chauffeurs. But while it’s convenient, it’d be nice to at...
NeatTuck – World’s First Peer-to-Peer Laundry Share App | NewsWatch Review
With the invention of smartphones and convenient apps like Uber, it’s insane how we’re still wasting time, laboring over menial task like washing clothes and taking them to the dry cleaners.
Flyshionista – Bringing Fashion Items Home from All Over the World | NewsWatch Review
Despite what you may think, you can’t buy everything on Amazon. Especially when it comes to foreign fashion brands. Flyshionista is the solution to that problem. The founders of the app...
Galarm – Don’t Depend on the Snooze Button, Rely on Friends to Wake You...
Some of us, and I’m not naming any names, are notorious for oversleeping. And I get it. Sometimes it’s just hard to get yourself out of that comfortable bed.
Well, we’ve found...
Ringon – Cutting-edge Instant Messaging and Voice Over App | NewsWatch Review
When we think of tech advances we often think of Silicon Valley out in California. But there are tech breakthroughs and exciting apps being developed all over the world, especially in...
TBI Assistant App – Assisting Those Who Suffer from the Effects of TBI |...
Each year there are millions of patients diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury or TBI. Those who survive a TBI can suffer from impaired thinking, memory, and movement.
The TBI Assistant app...
UrboLabs – Taking Control of Which Businesses You Want to Receive Promotions From |...
It seems like every time we go to a new store, the cashier asks for our email address. In return, our inboxes are flooded with emails of specials and marketing campaigns...