internet radio

Internet Radio – Discover Music from Every Decade with Radiooooo

AppWatch Time travel may not have been invented yet, but there is a special sort of time travel that we already engage with on a daily basis. I’m talking, of course, about...
social media marketing

Digital Strategy Demystified with DefinedLogic

Biz Report We live in a digital world where business and commerce don’t move without 1s and 0s. That’s just the reality of the present world and companies that recognize this and...
workout equipment

Workout Equipment for Your Home – Vitos Fitness

Consumer Update Workout equipment for your home can be hit or miss. There is such a wide variety of products on the market touting their ability to create fitness miracles that it’s...
best Nintendo Switch games

Best Nintendo Switch Games – Battle Princess Madelyn: Royal Edition

AppWatch Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games are looking pretty promising, but with so many of us stuck inside these days, you’re probably looking for a guide to the best Nintendo Switch games available...
conversational AI

Conversational AI in Contact Centers with Advantage Communications

Tech Report Live chat in contact centers and other forms of customer support are vital to the continued success of any company. Customers only stick around when they feel they’re being heard...
Indigo Lavender Farms

Lavender Products by Indigo Lavender Farms

Consumer Update Lavender plants are arguably one of the most beautiful plants produced by nature. With their familiar, calming scent and vibrant colors, the plant which belongs to the mint family is...
dash cam for smartphone

Dash Cam for your Smartphone – Driver Tech App

AppWatch A dash cam is an important feature included in a lot of new cars, but a well-placed car camera and other advanced tech aren’t simply “nice to have,” they’re vital to...
VOIP, calling card, cheap international calls

VoIP – Make Cheap International Calls with Fanytel

AppWatch VoIP mobile apps are solving the problem of expensive international calls. It might sound like science fiction, but there was once a time where we had to pay for cell phone...
reusable straw, plastic straw, paper straw

Best Reusable Straw – Harlov 3-Way Personal Pocket Straw

Consumer Update This generation seems to be more environmentally conscious than any generation in history. Despite the ongoing efforts, there’s still much more to do. It was only a year or two...
Texas electricity rates, cheapest electric company, energy companies in Texas

Texas Electricity Rates – Find the Cheapest with Energy Ogre

Consumer Update Texas electricity rates, like pretty much any other state in the U.S., have the ability to get pretty high. The one thing Texas has going for them is the deregulation...