IDEX – Biometric Security Advancements | NewsWatch Review
Tech Product Review
Everyone knows that in this modern digital age identity theft is a serious issue. It is easier than ever to purchase goods and services right from your computer or...
QNAP – Create Your Own Cloud Space | NewsWatch Review
Tech Product Review
In our computerized world, one thing you can never have enough of is digital space. As time progresses, so does the demand for more and more space. Whether it...
SiBEAM – Millimeter-wave Wireless Speeds | NewsWatch Review
Tech Product Review
It is always exciting when technology allows us to make a jump into higher internet speeds. Luckily for us, the folks at SiBEAM are on the cutting edge of...
SMART kapp – Digital Smart Board | NewsWatch Review
Tech Product Review
Raise your hand if you remember chalkboards. You know, they needed chalk to draw and erasers to erase. Talk about old school. A good idea that is rendered useless...
Paperturn – Edit and Share PDFs | NewsWatch Review
Tech Report
PDFs have the unique quality of being highly convenient and incredibly inconvenient at the same time. That’s mainly because it’s just a simple PDF file. That causes trouble when you...
Comparing Microsoft Edge to Chrome to Internet Explorer
By: Bryan Tropeano
Microsoft released Windows 10 last month and it has grabbed much needed attention. It is probably the last operating system by the Redmond giant. Windows 10 includes a lot...
Trustifi – Secure Emails Anywhere | NewsWatch Review
Tech Review
Internet security is a serious concern these days, especially with victims of cyber-crimes exceeding 556 million every year. The problem is most people, including corporations, do not know how to...
Mouseflow – Who’s Visiting Your Website?| Biz Report
Biz Report
If you own a business, chances are pretty high you have a website. Having a grasp on your site analytics is a vital part of any growing business. The problem...
Motif Investing – Build Your Portfolio | Biz Report
Biz Report
Looking to invest your money but don’t know where to start? You may have thought about investing in the stock market but had no idea where to start there either....
Mobile Payment Company Square to go Public
By: Nick Gambino
Just as it was rumored, and honestly expected, Square has filed to go public. Square, for those who don’t know is a mobile payment company that offers several different...