Safe Partner – The Perfect App Starts Here

As the world turns, each revolution breeds new technologies aimed at making things just a little bit easier. This is especially true in the world of business. Where software and mobile...

WaterBy: WaterDrink Reminder – Sip, Track, Repeat

75% Of Americans are chronically dehydrated. There's a general lack of understanding of what it means to be dehydrated. You don't have to be constantly fainting or in the hospital, getting...

Ubetalk – Made By Drivers, For Drivers

Until now there was no way for local drivers to connect or feel like they're part of a special community. Whether you drive for Uber, Amazon, UPS, or you just pull...

Safekeep – The Next Big Thing in Insurance Fraud Protection

When an insurance claim is filed, money can be recovered from at-fault parties through a process called subrogation. Safekeep is an AI platform that improves the claims process and customer experience...

Delta – Crystal Clear Investing Is Here

The Delta Investment Portfolio Tracker is an all-in-one app that is all you need to get a crystal clear overview of your investments. And it's powered by real-time data. Delta covers...

Factoreal – Business Tools For Real Growth

Growing a business is far from easy. It takes carefully forging a path forward based on engagement with customers. But that's easier said than done, right? Well, that's what Factoreal is...

Your Sports Network – Local Sports Done Right

There are plenty of apps out there to help you stay on top of professional sports throughout the year. But what about an app that operates as your local sports home?...

Medigate – Protect Your Medical Records With The Best

Health care is always moving, and so are the devices used to deliver care. This mobility creates significant challenges as hospitals attempt to locate, manage and secure the devices connected to...

iSport360 – Keep Youth Sports Organized

Youth sports is a 20 billion-dollar-a-year industry, yet all of the software platforms that support it are made for adults with no regard for the athletes. iSport360 is the first ever...

Swoovy – Corporate Volunteering for What Matters Most to Your Employees

Non-profits rely heavily on volunteers, and while 90% of people want to volunteer, only one in four actually do 'cause life just gets in the way. It takes time and effort...