Secure Organizational Communication with Fognigma

Biz Report Corporate espionage is a real-life thing, not just the driving plot in some Netflix thriller. Securing inter-organizational communications is a key factor in maintaining privacy on internal matters and protecting...

Ware2Go – Helping Merchants Get Their Products Closer to Customers | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report In a retail world driven by online sales and near-instant delivery, it’s vital that businesses are able to fulfill orders faster than the competition. But that takes a lot of... – Easily Compare Your Customer and Supplier Terms | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report Any business looking to survive long-term has to consider improving their working capital. When’s it’s declining it indicates the business is failing but if it’s improving the business is succeeding. It...

Collide – Monetize Your Content, Interactions, and Expertise | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report Creators source income from their content and distribution channels, but most haven’t tapped into earning from their interactions. Collide is a new platform for creators to monetize their content, interactions, and...

Arlians – B2B Networking App That Let’s You Make Local and Global Connections |...

Biz Report/AppWatch The internet has automated the process of doing business. But despite the many innovations, finding business partnerships is still left to luck. Not anymore. Check out Arlians. Arlians is a business to...

ItsaCheckmate – Software Company Developing Solutions for the Restaurant Industry | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report/Consumer Update If you’re like most, you’ve probably placed an order with an on-demand food service like UberEats or Postmates. The restaurant that takes that order has a unique tablet for...

Limfinity – Software Platform for Life Science | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report Scientists who focus on the study of living things are called Life Scientists. As you can imagine, these scientists work with a massive amount of data that needs to be...

Custom Truck One Source – Building Equipment for a Breadth of Industries | NewsWatch...

Biz Report Custom Truck One Source is the very first single-source provider of specialized truck and heavy equipment solutions. With 26 locations spanning across North America, Custom Truck One Source builds equipment...

ATOMOS Sumo19 – Record, Play, Monitor, & Edit All in One | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report If you’re in the video industry, you know the value of an external monitor and recorder. And no company in the industry makes a better all-in-one record, play, monitor and...

INECO – Create a Space with Functional Eco-Friendly Materials | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report Most of the time when considering the cleanliness of space, we think some form of cleaning will do the job and that’s that. But often we don’t consider air pollutants...