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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.


PureFitPal – Combining Exercises and Nutrition into a Simple Subscription

AppWatch Most of us want to get fit and healthy but lack the guidance to get there. If only there were an app to tell us exactly what we need to do. Well,...

FLOW WATER – Mobile 3D Water Puzzle Game | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch While there are plenty of mindless activities and apps on your phone that might have you aimlessly scrolling for hours at a time, there are some apps designed to help improve...

GoGetter Dating App – Matching People with Similar Outlooks and Lifestyles

AppWatch There are plenty of dating apps out there that cater to different people, though most of them use the shotgun approach and are for anyone and everyone. In other words, they’re...
Global News App

Share and Discuss Current Events Through a Multi-Tier Ranking System with GNA

AppWatch Stopping the spread of disinformation on the internet is a tall task. Somehow in the last few years, lies and info that skew false have taken the express lane on the...

Qube is Making Saving and Spending Money with Purpose Easier for Everyone

AppWatch Envelope budgeting is a system by which you can budget and track your monthly expenses by placing your cash in an envelope reserved for different categories like groceries, phone bills, and...
Anatomy Ninja

Become an Expert on Human Anatomy with the Anatomy Ninja App

AppWatch Understanding the anatomy of the human body gives us a keener understanding of this vessel of human life we’re steering on a daily basis. Whether you know nothing about the body, know...

EarnIt! App Makes Kids Completing Chores Simpler and More Effective

AppWatch When kids are trusted with responsibility, chores, and other household tasks, this resonates through adulthood, making them more confident and capable members of society. EarnIt! is a simple, fun, and effective chore...

Connect with Prospects Faster Than Any Other Platform with The Twinkle Dating App

AppWatch Dating apps have allowed users to find true love in a world where that might seem impossible. But it’s gotten to a point where it seems like we’re swiping endlessly through...

Enter a Unique World of Online Dating with TapToDate

AppWatch With the explosion of online dating platforms in these past few years, it’s more common than ever for people to find love online. That being said, not all dating apps are...

Report Workplace Discrimination Anonymously with the Equall App

AppWatch We’ve come a long way in society in these last few years, especially in the workplace. Creating inclusivity and a safe space for addressing discrimination is essential. Equall is an app that...
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