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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.

lifecoach app

Best Life Coach App – Burz

AppWatch Sometimes in our darker moments, all we need is someone to talk to. This can be tough if we don’t have anyone in our life that can readily fill that role....
Oosout app

Find Out Who is Where with the Oosout App

AppWatch Heading out on a Friday night is always a toss-up. You never know what bars are hopping and which ones to skip altogether. Well, with the Oosout app you can scope...
Global Fan Draft

Calling All Sports Fans – Global Fan Draft App

AppWatch I’ve always dreamed of the day when my obsession with the Giants or the Yankees paid off in the real world and not just in my head. There are a lot...

Goals App is the #1 Goal Tracker to Help You Reach Your Health Objectives

AppWatch Lack of goal attainment or, more accurately, the inability to achieve what we want out of life is the one factor preventing us from living a fulfilling life. We lash out...
plastic surgery app

Find the Best Aesthetic Surgeon with the Squlptr App

AppWatch There comes a time in our lives when we start to see things in the mirror that we’re not entirely happy with. For some, it might be a small thing, for...
sports betting app

Stock Market Investment with Fantasy Sports – Fanvest

AppWatch A stock market investment is one of the best ways to grow your money using insight into an ever-shifting economic landscape. What if a sports enthusiast could use their knowledge of...
find jobs

Find Shift-Based Jobs in Your Local Area with ExtraHourz

AppWatch Full-time work or even part-time work can be hard to come by in an economy that is uncertain. Never have we been more starkly aware of that fact then right now....
home nursing care

Home Healthcare Made Easy with Homercares

AppWatch/Health After being discharged from a hospital or other medical facility, it’s very common to be sent home with instructions for home care. If you’ve ever had a procedure or surgery of...
fundraising sites

Fundraising Sites Replaced with BAMit App

AppWatch A good business idea is one that benefits both the customer and the business, but the best idea is one that benefits the customer, the business and the community. If every...

Achieve Your Fitness and Health Goals with The Fit Bodies 4 Life App

AppWatch The mission of Fit Bodies 4 Life is to help you become the best version of yourself by creating a healthy, fit and happy lifestyle, no matter your age, size or...
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