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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.

how to create an app

App Developers Can’t Compete with Mobiwise

AppWatch It should come as no shock that some of the most successful businesses in the world are currently operating solely on a mobile platform. The internet is teeming with creatives looking...
Recycle Coach

Recycle Bin – Get the Most Out of It with Recycle Coach App

AppWatch Many of us understand the importance of recycling. We all have a recycle bin and do our part in bottle and can recycling, separating out the trash in the process. Unfortunately,...
STEM learning

Educate with STEM Games – The Mice of Riddle Place: The Incident of Izzy...

AppWatch Advances in digital technology in the past decade have created new opportunities for educating our kids. Add in advances in gaming, what with every other kid owning a souped-up gaming pc...

OurStreets – Reporting Where Nearby Essential Supplies are In-Stock

AppWatch In the face of the recent pandemic, many of us are scrambling to find essential supplies. Unfortunately, that’s proving quite difficult. With the convenience of apps right at our fingertips, we...
GPS tracker

Get Home Safe with Covert Alert

AppWatch You can never be too safe these days. I’ve been hearing that all my life and it’s become something of a cliché. That doesn’t mean it’s not true. Usually, clichés become...
best binge shows

Best Binge Shows – Discover with Binge Buddy App

AppWatch This is certainly a strange time, what with most of the global population participating in one form of quarantine or another. One silver lining, if you could even call it that,...
internet radio

Internet Radio – Discover Music from Every Decade with Radiooooo

AppWatch Time travel may not have been invented yet, but there is a special sort of time travel that we already engage with on a daily basis. I’m talking, of course, about...
best Nintendo Switch games

Best Nintendo Switch Games – Battle Princess Madelyn: Royal Edition

AppWatch Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games are looking pretty promising, but with so many of us stuck inside these days, you’re probably looking for a guide to the best Nintendo Switch games available...
dash cam for smartphone

Dash Cam for your Smartphone – Driver Tech App

AppWatch A dash cam is an important feature included in a lot of new cars, but a well-placed car camera and other advanced tech aren’t simply “nice to have,” they’re vital to...
VOIP, calling card, cheap international calls

VoIP – Make Cheap International Calls with Fanytel

AppWatch VoIP mobile apps are solving the problem of expensive international calls. It might sound like science fiction, but there was once a time where we had to pay for cell phone...
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