OurStreets – Reporting Where Nearby Essential Supplies are In-Stock
In the face of the recent pandemic, many of us are scrambling to find essential supplies.
Unfortunately, that’s proving quite difficult.
With the convenience of apps right at our fingertips, we...
Get Home Safe with Covert Alert
You can never be too safe these days. I’ve been hearing that all my life and it’s become something of a cliché. That doesn’t mean it’s not true. Usually, clichés become...
VoIP – Make Cheap International Calls with Fanytel
VoIP mobile apps are solving the problem of expensive international calls. It might sound like science fiction, but there was once a time where we had to pay for cell phone...
Send a Text with an Amazing New Platform – Jist
SMS messages and other methods we use to send a text have largely remained unchanged for the past 15 years. Sure, we use emojis instead of simple emoticons, but other than...
Be Smart, Lock Up Your Photos, Passwords and More with MyPrivacy
If these uncertain times - where most of the world is battling the COVID-19 pandemic - tell us anything, it’s that hackers, scammers and all-around internet scum, don’t possess a shred...
Taking Note with the Nebo App
I may be surrounded by numerous computers, a smartphone or two, and an iPad, not to mention a couple Echo’s, some smart TVs and a robot vacuum, but when it comes...
Digital Art – Create with Clip Studio Paint
There was a time before earth-shattering innovations and jaw-dropping quantum leaps in digital technology where an artist was restricted by a writing utensil and some form of paper or writing surface....
DRUID – Testing for Marijuana, Alcohol, and Prescription Drugs in Employees | NewsWatch Review
You often hear the phrase “don’t drink and drive,” but there are a lot of other factors that could impair someone’s ability to drive or impact their overall performance at work,...
WaterWatch PRO – Accurate, Hyper-Focused Rainfall Data on Your Smartphone | NewsWatch Review
People who are construction managers, stormwater inspectors, or civil and environmental engineers need details on how much rain fell and when it's going to rain next.
Having the “right” info helps you...
TaxDay – Monitor Your Travel Using Your Phone’s GPS | NewsWatch Review
Do you travel frequently for business or maintain homes in different states and struggle to keep track of where you’ve been or how much time you’ve spent there?
TaxDay allows you to...