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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.

Kipit – Never Lose Those Keys Again

When you're rushing out the door, it's pretty easy to forget something. Usually something important like your keys or your wallet, right? There's nothing worse than getting to your destination and...

True Home – Putting Home Maintenance On Auto Pilot

Homeownership comes with its fair share of challenges, whether you're using your home as a primary residence or renting it out. Maintenance, repair, and general renovations are one headache after another....

5G is Going to Change the Mobile Casino Games

The 5G network has allowed for users of smartphones and tablet devices that are able to benefit from it to be able to stream, play and surf on the internet quicker...

MyJackpot – Fun, Safe, Addicting!

Brick and mortar casinos are hard to come by. But with the advent of the internet, you can experience the fun of Vegas, right in the comfort of your own home....

Medigate – Protect Your Medical Records With The Best

Health care is always moving, and so are the devices used to deliver care. This mobility creates significant challenges as hospitals attempt to locate, manage and secure the devices connected to...

iSport360 – Keep Youth Sports Organized

Youth sports is a 20 billion-dollar-a-year industry, yet all of the software platforms that support it are made for adults with no regard for the athletes. iSport360 is the first ever...

Tiny Landlord – Build Your Dream City!

Tiny Landlord was designed to help you learn and explore all about building, upgrading, and managing a city. You'll start by building and decorating your very own city, providing all the...

Gaming Comes to New Samsung Smart TVs

By: Nick Gambino Just ahead of CES, Samsung announced their 2022 Smart TVs which are designed to support cloud gaming as well as a ton of other new goodies. This year, select Samsung...

Blockudoku – Keeping Your Mind Working

Playing logic-based puzzle games every day helps sharpen your mind, and strengthen your ability to solve problems. And what better way to do that than through the convenience of your phone....

Swoovy – Corporate Volunteering for What Matters Most to Your Employees

Non-profits rely heavily on volunteers, and while 90% of people want to volunteer, only one in four actually do 'cause life just gets in the way. It takes time and effort...
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