Medigate – Protect Your Medical Records With The Best

Health care is always moving, and so are the devices used to deliver care. This mobility creates significant challenges as hospitals attempt to locate, manage and secure the devices connected to...

iSport360 – Keep Youth Sports Organized

Youth sports is a 20 billion-dollar-a-year industry, yet all of the software platforms that support it are made for adults with no regard for the athletes. iSport360 is the first ever...

Dr. Dish – Chasing Rebounds Are A Thing Of The Past!

Dr. Dish Basketball is to the rescue with the first ever shooting machine designed for the home. Their top-of-the-line automatic basketball rebounding machines let you shoot up to 1000 balls an...

Swoovy – Corporate Volunteering for What Matters Most to Your Employees

Non-profits rely heavily on volunteers, and while 90% of people want to volunteer, only one in four actually do 'cause life just gets in the way. It takes time and effort... – Surrogacy is Hard, Expecting Makes it Easier! has created a free online surrogate database complete with an advanced search function and hundreds of available surrogates. Having just raised $1,000,000 in funding, they are ready to simplify the...

Voila – Managing Employee Schedules is A Breeze!

Managing employees' schedules, especially as businesses start growing rapidly, can be an absolute nightmare. Not only does it result in wasted time, but it cuts directly into profitability. The easiest solution...

MNYMSTRS – Financial Illiteracy is A Thing of the Past

The key to making better financial decisions that will lead you to success is knowledge and education. Finance can be an overwhelming subject, especially when you're starting with little to no...

Busie – Make Bus Booking an Easy Process

Until recently, renting or chartering a bus was an antiquated and manual process with paper and pen running the show. That's when Busie entered the scene. Working with providers across the...

iFiiT – Keeping Track of What Matters

Information is vital in the health industry. Doctors need to see the full picture in order to make a proper diagnosis. Now in an increasingly paperless world, electronic medical records, or... – Take the Uncertainty out of Stock Trading

The world is rapidly changing. Today, you can invest in the stock market using your smartphone. is a mobile app that makes investing effortless. It uses smart market insights to...